Seasonal Urge
This incident happened on my recent trip to Chicago. It was thanksgiving day and less did I know how that incident was gonna change the day for us, in a way we never would have imagined.
The day opened with bright sunshine and cool wind and even if it wasn't Thanks giving it surely was a you-gotto-get-outside-day. And, that is precisely what myself and 4 of my friends decided to do. I had heard of this place called Lake Geneva in Wisconsin from one of my colleagues. She said the place was very scenic and should be a must-visit site for anyone wanting to spend the day out. Having placed my trust entirely on her words, I somehow dragged my friends into the trip - God!!! did I realise I hadmarketing skills :-).
The trip to the scenic town took us about 2 hours of travelling time. Once we reached the place, the harsh realty of nature blew in our face. Yes, the strong winter winds were almost cutting us in half. A more serious trouble was brewing - just six inches down. Yes, the human need of discharging unwanted fluids. The man in trouble with this feeling was my friend - a human with a frame which would have put the titanic to shame. At this point we were on the shore of the lake and frantically looked around for the restroom. Suddenly I noticed the sign which made me heave a sign of relief. I signalled my friend to look in the direction of my stretched hands. His face light up like a 1000 watts bulb. He rushed in the direction of the restrooms. Since none of the others, were in the same pensive mood as my friend we held ourselves back to enjoy nature's bounty. As I was sinking in to the beauty of the lake, I felt a cold hand tap my shoulder. I looked around and saw my friend ALL RED. He immediately took my hand - 'Oh!! god.. did he wash them', and took me towards the restroom. 'Hey,..', I thought,'I'm in no hurry to relieve myself', and that is when the most shocking thing that I have ever seen in my life happened. YES!!! None of this magnitude have I ever seen. On the door of the restroom was the sign 'CLOSED FOR THE SEASON'. 'Who on earth does put on such signs?'.
This thing happened in such a jiffy that the magnitude of the incident didn't strike us until we were back in chicago the same night. My friend is still pretty p-i-s-s-e-d off about the incident.